Thursday, August 02, 2007


Another Simese knows how to blog!

Well, I better start blogging again so he don't get more famis than me! Here is the other Simese's blog, his name is Cheysuli, or maybe it is a girl cat. I will read more of his/her blog later, but I have to update my blog NOW so my fans will still no that I am alive. Also I have to change my profile because I am nine now, not seven. I dont want peeple to think I'm a baby.

I have lots of news to, soon we will be moving into a new house with Mommy and Daddy! It has lots of room for us to run and a big yard that Mommy says we cant play in because someone migt steel us to make fur coats or something. But there are lots of windows for us to purch in, and we even get our OWN ROOM where Mommy can sleap with us when Daddy is out of town, because he is allurgic to us, so we cant sleep in the big bedroom. He loves us thogh, even thogh I think he loves Cicco more. Because Cicco follows him around like a dog, he is so dum.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


Why Chico is now Cicconetti

Michael Cicconetti is the judge in Ohio who sentenced Michelle Murray to a night alone in the woods because she had abandoned 33 kittens. Here's my letter to him:

Dear Judge Cicconetti:

I’m writing to thank you for your courageous — if somewhat unusual — sentence in the case against Michelle Murray, the so-called animal “rescuer” who abandoned 33 kittens in an Ohio Park. I’ve been visiting various websites, reading people’s comments about your ruling. It’s interesting to see how many people have interpreted your sentence as equating animal rights with human rights. I didn’t see that as an issue at all.

Rather, it is about human rights, and the responsibilities that come along with those rights. In this case, it is the responsibility of Ms. Murray not only to the kittens, as a self-described “rescuer”, but to the human (or humans) who left some animals with her, with the understanding that Ms. Murray would find those animals a home.

It is particularly disturbing to note that Ms. Murray has three children of her own as well as two step-children. What will happen when she’s overwhelmed by the responsibilities of parenthood, as she apparently was by the responsibilities of caring for these cats?

I am puzzled by the stipulation that she not have any more animals for at least three years; I don’t believe she has shown herself capable of caring for any animals, ever. Let alone her children. Perhaps it has something to do with Ohio law; I don’t know.

I’m sure you’re taking a lot of heat for this decision, but I want you to know that many, many people support you. And just for the record, I’m a Sunday School teacher and also serve on the board of an organization that supports adults with developmental disabilities. I hardly care for animals at the expense of human beings; rather, I would argue that my compassion for animals has taught me greater compassion for humans.

As it happens, I adopted a ten-year-old Siamese cat on Saturday, to join my seven-year-old Siamese and eighteen-year-old domestic shorthair. This cat came to me with the name of Chico, but I’m renaming him Cicconetti in honor of you. (You can find out more about my cats at my blog, listed below.)

All the best to you,

Rachel Silver

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